If a house you own is vacant, it can be a money pit. In addition to the normal upkeep, in the current market, depreciation is still a consideration. Tired of dealing with tenants calling day or night, potential lawsuits, vacant properties with no income, vandalism, shelling out money for maintenance, irresponsible tenants damaging your investment, etc. Let us take the hassle off your hands, so you can put your money into a more suitable investment.
Many unexpected things can happen, such as job loss, divorce, or health problems and things like that cause you to miss making your monthly house payments. Sometimes you find yourself struggling to make your house payment while all your other bills continue to pile up. Once this happens, it becomes very difficult to catch up on those payments when you find yourself two or three payments behind and the fourth is due next week. Finally, a point comes when there is no catching up. We specialize in situations like this. We provide you with workable, sensible, respectable solutions to your FINANCIAL DILEMMA. We are able to work with you and your lending institution to help you avoid a possible foreclosure situation. We may be able to take the burden of trying to catch up on payments off your back, so you can attempt a fresh start.
If a creditor gets a judgment against you, they can then place a lien on your property. A lien gives that creditor an interest in your property so that they can get paid for the debt you owe. If you sell the property, the creditor will be paid first before you receive any proceeds from the sale. And in some cases, the lien gives the creditor the right to force a sale of your property in order to get paid, in other words – They can force you into FORECLOSURE
Maybe you’ve inherited a property or maybe you simply have the responsibility to get rid of it on behalf of the estate. The death of a loved one is tragic enough, we provide a seamless transition even if the property needs repair.
If a house you own is vacant, it can be a money pit. In addition to the normal upkeep, in the current market, depreciation is still a consideration. Tired of dealing with tenants calling day or night, potential lawsuits, vacant properties with no income, vandalism, shelling out money for maintenance, irresponsible tenants damaging your investment, etc. Let us take the hassle off your hands, so you can put your money into a more suitable investment.
Many unexpected things can happen, such as job loss, divorce, or health problems and things like that cause you to miss making your monthly house payments. Sometimes you find yourself struggling to make your house payment while all your other bills continue to pile up. Once this happens, it becomes very difficult to catch up those payments when you find yourself two or three payments behind and the fourth is due next week. Finally a point comes when there is no catching up. We specialize in situations like this. We provide you with workable, sensible, respectable solutions to your FINANCIAL DILEMMA. We are able to work with you and your lending institution to help you avoid a possible foreclosure situation. We may be able to take the burden of trying to catch up payments off your back, so you can attempt a fresh start.
If a creditor gets a judgment against you, they can then place a lien on your property. A lien gives that creditor an interest in your property so that they can get paid for the debt you owe. If you sell the property, the creditor will be paid first before you receive any proceeds from the sale. And in some cases, the lien gives the creditor the right to force a sale of your property in order to get paid, in other words – They can force you into FORECLOSURE
Maybe you’ve inherited a property or maybe you simply have the responsibility to get rid of it on behalf of the estate. The death of a loved one is tragic enough, we provide a seamless transition even if the property needs repair.
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